Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Today was my accounting final exam. Not too sure how i did for it... cant do anything now but to keep my fingers crossed.
Nutrition exam on monday then i'm done with exams!!
Tonight will be the first of our 3 dinner services. so far we've been doing lunches... and well lets just say dinners are harder.
Good parts of today:
i'm headwaiter today, so that means i wont have to take orders or look after designated tables. instead i'll just be seating guests when they arrive, doing a speech, and floating around, helping people, and telling people what they need to do :)
Bad parts of today:
accounting exam....
and i'll be getting my restaurant theory results today.... yikes... i dont know if i should be having a good or bad feeling... sigh... i guess we shall all find out soon enough...................
thats all folks!
I guess this is a beautiful mistake too...12:46 PM